Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wrist Warmers to Warm Your Heart

Hope University's knitters have been busy knitting up product for our soon to open Esty shop.  Felted bags, scarves, our little owls and pin cushions/pen holders, pot & pan scrubbies, even head bands are all waiting to be photographed for the shop.  This week we were able to find the perfect hand model for our unique wrist warmers.  April Renick's hands really fit the bill.  She was so excited to be chosen and had great poise for our hand poses. 
We asked April to tell us a little bit about her new found hand modeling experience,
"It was fun, I enjoyed it.  My favorite part of doing the hand modeling was being able to try on all the colors of wrist warmers.  It was my first time being a hand model and I would definitely want to do it again."
Thank you April for lending us your lovely hands and we all think she will get her wish to hand model again for us here at Hope University. 
We share with you here some photos from the wrist warmer shoot, featuring April's hands. 

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