Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hope Handbags

Hope University creates items for sale at our boutique shows and performances. We have a wide array of items ranging from refrigerator magnets to original linoleum block prints. We also have a Cafe Press Shop where you can custom order or choose from items already on display, made from Hope U student artwork. Our most recent addition to the Hope University Boutique is the Hope Handbag! We are very excited about his new item. Each one is as unique as the creator, and the magic the washer!
Here is the information found on the tag added to each bag.
"The Hope Handbag, Wicked Fun Wool Felt Bags". 'Felted or "fulled" wool bags are created by knitting the bag with wool yarn on large needles, then shrinking the bag to the desired size. Due to the differences in wool, and the shrinking process, each bag is unique. The knit on this bag is very dense, sturdy and easy to care for. Just hand was in cool wash in cool water and then air dry.'

Here are what some of the students are saying about the new Hope Handbags:
"It has very pretty material on it." Darren P.
"I like the color and think it is very furry." Chris F.
"It is so beautiful." Rene S.
"It looks good." Delores F.
"The knitter did a good job." Margaret K.
"I like the blue color on the bottom." Richard G.
Here are some photos of two purses available now from the students at Hope U!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

CORE 6 : Defining Ourselves

CORE 6 is a juried art exhibit by artists with disabilities.
The 6th annual CORE exhibit is sponsored by Arts and Services for Disabled, Inc. and the National Arts and Disability Center of UCLA. In it's 6th year, CORE continues to extend its reach to artists nationally and worldwide. The exhibit showcases artwork, literature, and performances by artists with disabilities with the purpose of providing a space for artists, community members, and arts and disability advocates to build common bonds and promote visibility through a diverse art forum. See our 'upcoming events' box on the right for dates, times and venue.
Several Hope University students will be having their work showcased at CORE 6. We are happy to see literature included in this years CORE exhibit. Here we have three Hope University student poems composed in poetry class.

Cleaning Up The Drive Thru At Taco Bell
by Darren Petersen

There is a trash can out there
a big brown trash can
that people put trash in
and a patch of grass
I find things in the grass
cigarette butts
straw wrappers
beer bottles and paper cups.
I feel kind of grungy
picking up gum that is chewed
and just lying on the ground
hot sauce packets
that have been run over or stepped on
the hot sauce squirts out but doesn't go far
pennies and dimes (I have to give them back).
One time I had to help push a car
out of the drive thru.

At Henry's
by Chih Tseng

Saturday is haircut day
He cuts it straight
Henry does
I look in the mirror
to see Henry
Using his scissors
and me
Eating red vine licorice.

My Favorite Shirt
by Tanette Tuttle

Is white
like clouds on a sunny summer day
and Shamu's tummy when he does a flip in the air
like milk in the morning
bunny's teeth chewing a carrot
cold winter snow
My mom's eyes
Clean smelling clothes, out of the dryer
Socks, thick and tall
Delicious vanilla ice cream
Frosting on a strawberry cake
Dalmatians without spots
Tissues that I cry on.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Awards and Honors for Hope University Students

Tammy Grant and Christie Cook Get An Award at the Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts.
For the past two years, the Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts has selected from work displayed for the Very Special Arts Festival, artworks to be included in their Junior Art Exhibition. This year, works by five Hope University artists were chosen. The artists were: Joanna Buon-Cristiani, Miguel Aldas, Margaret Kelley, Christie Cook and Tammy Grant. One of the Artworks selected won an award, it was a linoleum block print by Tammy Grant that was cut by Christie Cook. It is a portrait of Marge and Homer Simpson entitled, "Marge and Homer".

An Award Winning Drum by Joanna Buon-Cristiani and Sharon Mauck.
Arts and Services for the Disabled, Inc. partnered with REMO Drums for their first ever ArtBeat for Humanity National Exhibit. The exhibit attracted artists with disabilities from throughout the nation to participate in this Juried Art Exhibit. Among the jury members from the music, art and wellness community, was Mickey Hart, drummer for the Grateful Dead and Joe Lamond, president/CEO of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM). This exhibit showcases original artwork on REMO buffalo or frame drums by artists with disabilities, with the purpose of providing a forum for this ancient form of artistic expression, utilizing the drum head as a unique canvas. Thus building common bonds through a shared goal to promote artistic talent, community inclusion and diversity.

Hope University submitted two drums and both were accepted into the show. Each drum features artwork by two artists. One drum has the artwork of Chih Tseng and Tammy Grant.

The other has the artwork of Joanna Buon-Cristiani and Sharon Mauck, this drum won 2nd place! Congratulations to Joanna and Sharon!

"These wonderful images have sprung to life through sensibilities that are pure and honest. They represtn the deepest feeling of an indiviual artist. I salute them."
-Mickey Hart

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Orange County Fair Field Trip

Every year the Orange County California Fair has a special day for some very special people, called 'Friends of the Fair' Day. The Hope University students left in a bus on Wednesday, July 21st for a day of Fair fun, food and friends. They went on rides, like the big Ferris Wheel and were able to see many sights. The livestock area was a favorite, with cows, pigs and chickens, also the farm area where they have many different kinds of fruits and vegetables growing year round on the Fairgrounds. Students were also able to do some shopping and as always, lunch down food alley was an adventure. The Hi-Hopes, Hope University's musical performing group played on the big stage to the delight of many.
Firstly we have April Renick enjoying the attentions of a fun time clown while waiting in line at the gate.
Next is Gary Ahearn, one of the talented Hi-Hopes members smiling at the keyboard.
You see the entire Hi-Hopes band performing on the big stage at the Fair. From left to right: Tom Veltman, Richard Groves, Gary Ahearn, Howard Miller, Paul Kuehn, Cathy Acton, Mikki Davis and Lori Reyes.