Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Puppet Show!

Frank L. (Down's Syndrome) with puppet.

Frank L. and assistant Miguel A. (Down's Syndrome) on stage with puppet.

Gary A. (Prader Willi) smiling as he enjoys the puppet show.

Cooperative behavior can get you good rewards as Frank has found out.  He has a card in his wallet for the instructors to sign after each class, when his card is full he gets to put on a puppet show.  Well, today was the day for Frank's special show.  He brought his puppet, some fun music and had some help from the student audience to help his show along.  Frank looks so happy as he performs for us and enjoys his time on the stage.  The students also win as they have some time to relax and enjoy the show.  As we strive for acceptance and joy here at Hope University, everyone benefits. 
"Frank's puppet shows are always funny."
Lori S.
"I liked having my picture taken with my two best friends."
Tanette T.
"I liked it!"
Ana P.
"I laughed a lot."
Katie F.
Lori S. , Tanette T. and Katie F. enjoying the puppet show.

Frank certainly has support from his fellow students

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hearts and Smiles

Dena's Smile.

Christie's Smile.

Margaret and Music Therapist Minko's Smiles.

Mikki and Howard's Smiles

Kimmie's Smile

Chris' Smile.

Jenny and Jason's Smile.

Sharon's Smile.

On Monday, February 14th Hope University had a Valentine’s Day party and dance.  The students spent the morning decorating the hall with paper chains and colored hearts.  After lunch the party began.  There was dancing, fun and frolic sweetened by two beautiful Valentine’s day cakes provided by student Katie Foote’s family.  We had two student DJ’s, Tom V.and Darren P.  Tom brought his own equipment and music to thrill the crowd and Darren assisted in music choices and announcements.   They really added that special spark to the party! 
Some student highlights of the day:
“I loved seeing Katie’s mom and brother.”
Tanette T.
“Learning how to be a DJ.”
Darren P.
“Eating Valentine’s Day cake!”
Katie F.
“Making Valentines for my friends and decorating the hall.”
Margaret K.

We all hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day too.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Medium Diversity

Hope University's curriculum is art centered.  We offer many different ways to learn with and through the arts.  We offer several music classes, poetry and writing along with visual arts such as drawing, painting, printmaking and fiber art.
Some of the students favorites are:
"I like to do mosaics and sculpture."  Fred M.
"Using the knitting loom." Ana P.
"Designing products for us to make and sell in our Boutique." Margaret K.
"Drawing and carving linoleum block prints."  Tanette T.
"Knitting and creating things with yarn, like purses and products for our Boutique." Lori Slikker.
"Performing on stage, doing drama and learning how to play the drums. " Chris F.
Darren in the cabin of his helicopter sculpture.

The helicopter sculpture.

Darren explaining how things work in his interactive helicopter sculpture

Here we have some photos of  Hope U student, Darren P.  He is showing us his large sculpture of a helicopter.  Darren's favorite medium is cardboard and masking tape.  He creates his large sculptures over a wooden frame and includes electronics.  He likes to do the wiring and circuits so he can see things light up and move.  Darren has created many sculptures, one being the 'Robot' which we use in the 'Beau Monde Float' performances.  Darren's abilities are explored here at Hope U. with visual art as well as the written word.  He has written several poems, including 'Cleaning up the Drive-Thru at Taco Bell' featured in the 'Very Special Arts' exhibition and the CORE 6 show.