Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Medium Diversity

Hope University's curriculum is art centered.  We offer many different ways to learn with and through the arts.  We offer several music classes, poetry and writing along with visual arts such as drawing, painting, printmaking and fiber art.
Some of the students favorites are:
"I like to do mosaics and sculpture."  Fred M.
"Using the knitting loom." Ana P.
"Designing products for us to make and sell in our Boutique." Margaret K.
"Drawing and carving linoleum block prints."  Tanette T.
"Knitting and creating things with yarn, like purses and products for our Boutique." Lori Slikker.
"Performing on stage, doing drama and learning how to play the drums. " Chris F.
Darren in the cabin of his helicopter sculpture.

The helicopter sculpture.

Darren explaining how things work in his interactive helicopter sculpture

Here we have some photos of  Hope U student, Darren P.  He is showing us his large sculpture of a helicopter.  Darren's favorite medium is cardboard and masking tape.  He creates his large sculptures over a wooden frame and includes electronics.  He likes to do the wiring and circuits so he can see things light up and move.  Darren has created many sculptures, one being the 'Robot' which we use in the 'Beau Monde Float' performances.  Darren's abilities are explored here at Hope U. with visual art as well as the written word.  He has written several poems, including 'Cleaning up the Drive-Thru at Taco Bell' featured in the 'Very Special Arts' exhibition and the CORE 6 show.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Hey! Darren sold the print that was shown at the CORE 6 exhibition, and he used the money to buy some technology for his helicopter. COOL-MUNDO!!!