Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Friends of the Fair Day at the Orange County Fair!

Ben, Rene and Joanna 'clowning around'.

April on the Swing ride.

April, Joanna and Margaret waiting in line for a ride.

Bradley looking so happy to go into the fairgrounds.

April riding a big pink bird.

Sharon and Darren getting ready to look at the horses in the barn.

Carol, Michelle, Karen and Mignon having fun at the O.C. Fair.

On July 20th many of the Hope University students attended the Orange County Fair at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa California.  Each year the O.C. Fair provides a day, called 'Friends of the Fair' Day where persons with disabilities get in free.  We are so grateful to the O. C. Fair for providing this service for us all.  The theme of the Fair this year was 'Let's Eat!' celebrating all of the wonderful Fair foods we love.  The students and staff rode in a chartered bus to and from the Fair.  Some of the things we saw were, rides, horses, sunflowers, vendors selling all sorts of things and food, lots of food!
Everyone had a lot of fun and can hardly wait to go back again next year.  Thank you Orange County Fair for having 'Friends of the Fair' Day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mural Unveiling!

On Saturday, July 30th 2011 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm we will be hosting the Integrity House Mural Collaboration Unveiling.  Everyone is invited to this exhibition and opening reception at Integrity House, 2043 North Broadway, Santa Ana California 92706.
The Integrity House Mural was created by the artists of Hope University, specifically for the members of Integrity House.  After a collaborative design process, about 40 Hope University artists, 20 volunteers, 3 Integrity House members and several Hope University staff members worked together to complete the Mural.

Artists from Hope University and Integrity House worked together to create this large, amazing work of art.  The images were taken from client artworks and transferred onto  the building to be brought to life through paint and ceramic mosaic.  Here a picture truly tells a story of ability and acceptance. 
Parking is available in adjacent lot and lot directly across the street on Saturdays only. 
There will be refreshments and a performance by the renowned Hope University band, The HiHopes.  The exhibition runs from July 30th  through September 30th.  Viewing hours after the opening are 10:00am to Noon and 3:00pm to 5:00pm Monday through Friday.  Parking is available only in rear lot of Integrity House.
For more information, please contact: Shelley RuggThorp (714) 778-4440 or at  You also visit our website at
Some of the students that worked on the Mural had this to say about their Mural Memories;
"I liked having a volunteer help me paint the top of the Mural on a scaffold.  I also had fun breaking up the tiles for the mosaic part."  Tanette Tuttle
"I liked spreading the glue, putting it on the tiles and adding them to the mosaic wall." Lori Slikker
"My favorite part was painting a large flower orange." Margaret Kelley