Darren on the rings. |
Margaret on the rings. |
Kimmie on the rings. |
Hope University student guest performers. |
Catch Me Bird dancing together. |
Catch Me Bird dancing together. |
Napkin up her nose, napkin in his ears. |
Catch Me Bird dancing with a table. |
Catch Me Bird dancing with a table. |
Some of the Hope University favorite moments of 'Catch Me Bird' are:
"I liked going on the 'rings' on stage."
Margaret K.
"When they put napkins up their nose and in their ears!"
Tanette T.
"I liked it when they danced together."
Lori S.
"My favorite part was when they set the table and danced on it!"
Michelle E.
"It was kind of scary when they balanced on their props."
Darren C.
"The way they stretched out their bodies as they danced on the stage, they opened their arms very wide."
Carol W.
"How the two dancers, who are husband and wife, were interacting with each other."
April R.