Wednesday, June 29, 2011

'Catch Me Bird'

Darren on the rings.

Margaret on the rings.

Kimmie on the rings.

Hope University student guest performers.

Catch Me Bird dancing together.

Catch Me Bird dancing together.

Napkin up her nose, napkin in his ears.

Catch Me Bird dancing with a table.

Catch Me Bird dancing with a table.
The Segerstrom Center for the Arts Teach Program provides a wonderful array of dance, music and drama programs for educational facilities.  We have had several of them perform for us.  In June we were treated to a duo called 'Catch Me Bird'.  They are a married couple who dances together.  Their choreography reflects the love, conflict and humor associated with many relationships.  In their dance piece they incorporated several props, such as a table, chairs, napkins and two large double ringed objects.  With these double rings they invited a few students onto the stage and made them part of the dance!  We loved having the guest performers and we think they liked us a lot too!
Some of the Hope University favorite moments of 'Catch Me Bird' are:
"I liked going on the 'rings' on stage."
Margaret K.
"When they put napkins up their nose and in their ears!"
Tanette T.
"I liked it when they danced together."
Lori S.
"My favorite part was when they set the table and danced on it!"
Michelle E.
"It was kind of scary when they balanced on their props."
Darren C.
"The way they stretched out their bodies as they danced on the stage, they opened their arms very wide."
Carol W.
"How the two dancers, who are husband and wife, were interacting with each other."
April R.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Traveling Art Show

Chris Friedman,  linoleum block print.

Miguel Aldaz, computer generated line drawing.

Sharon Mauck, colored pencil freehand drawing.

Crystal Serna, freehand colored pencil drawing.


Tanette Tuttle, linoleum block print 'Watermelon Boat'.


Lori Slikker, linoleum block print.


Six of Hope University's artists had their work chosen by the VSA to be included in their 'Arts on the Move Traveling Art Exhibit'.  Out of these six pieces, three were selected to be a part of the 'Laguna Beach 'Festival of the Arts', Junior Art Exhibition'. All six of these will be on display at the festival from July 3rd through August 31st.  We hope you can attend the Festival of the Arts in Laguna Beach to enjoy the show and see our students work in person. 
Here we have all six artworks and photos of the three featured artists.  The work spans several mediums from computer to block printing.  Each of these pieces was created by the student in art classes at Hope University where the art teachers strive to expand the clients abilities and options tailored to the individual. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mall Crawl Field Trip

Art on display at the mall.

Fred Mezzo's 'Las Vegas Girls'.

Ben S. with his poetry.

Kim and Cesar in the elevator.

Kim M. in front of Hope U artwork on display at the mall.

Rene S. in front of Hope U artwork on display at the mall.

Christie C. making a purchase at the mall.

Hope U students taking in the sights at the mall.
After the Hope University students performed at the Westfield Mall in Santa Ana there was an art show that remained for all to view.  One of the Hope U students' favorite field trips of the year is the one to the mall to view the art.  We all love going out into the community and enjoying a day of walking about, window shopping and eating lunch in the food court.
Several Hope University students had their artwork chosen to go on the traveling exhibit.  Crystal Serna, Miguel Aldaz, Sharon Mauck, Tanette Tuttle, Chris Friedman and Lori Slikker will all have art 'on the move' with the traveling exhibit.
All of the students love going to the mall.  Some of their favorite things to do and see are:
"My favorite thing at the mall was seeing my artwork on display."
Fred Mezzo
"Seeing my Hope University friends artwork hanging in the mall.
Tammy Grant
"I liked seeing the puppies in the puppy store!"
Tanette Tuttle  (This was several students favorite activity too).
"Walking around the mall and enjoying the sights.

Margaret Kelley
"Going to the food court!"
Lori Slikker

Spending time in the community and participating in daily life activities are just some of the things Hope University provides for their students.  The staff's favorite thing about going to the mall was seeing how much fun the students had!